With our unique Social trust Technology find the best businesses when you need it. Then call, message, request quotes, or let our concierge help
Word of mouth in the digital era. You get an estimate of what your friends think, every time!
We do the work for you and show detailed public reviews and ratings.
Search for your favorite local businesses and get rewards with every successful transaction!
We calculate a Social Trust Score for each business, which becomes more accurate the more friends you're connected to.
It’s a social network built around your clients and the friends that they interact with. More clients in your network. Better client referrals.
It’s a social network built around your business and the businesses you interact with. More business in your network. Better Business to Business recommendations. Plus, the businesses you love are shared with your business network.
with Oaklo
Reach customer's friends (and their friends, too) with a business profile. It's the easy way to help grow your business - from dog walkers to main street cafés and anything in between.
Social Trust
Social Trust is a feature on Oaklo that helps you assess the quality and trustworthiness of products, services, and businesses.
It ranks them by considering reviews and recommendations from your social network.
If your friends are not on Oaklo, the ranking is determined by reviews from a comparable group of Oaklo users in your local area.
When you join Oaklo, the Social Trust score is based on reviews specifically provided by Oaklo users, and it becomes more reliable as your network expands.
This enables you to make better-informed choices based on the experiences and opinions of people who have used Oaklo.